CVMA Tech Corner
We have designed this area to help Racers navigate the specific requirements of racing with Chuckwalla Valley Motorcycle Association. As with all race organizations across the country, we have minor differences in our rulebook. Please familiarize yourself with them. Ultimately, we are here to ensure the safety of not only you and your equipment, but the safety of your competitors and fellow racers. Your assistance with making Technical Inspection as fluid as possible is greatly appreciated.
Rider feedback is important to us. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please talk to us at the track or email
– Your CVMA Tech Team
Download the Tech Inspection Checklist
Safety Wiring
Safety wire is not intended to take the place of proper installation of fasteners. Always ensure that fasteners are tightened to the proper torque first, and then install the safety wire. The tension of the safety wire always should tend to tighten the bolt, nut, or fastener.
Below are some examples of proper safety wire application and what we expect to see when you visit us in Tech.

Safety wire photos courtesy of Jacob Eldridge